Dege Time is an entertainment and educational brand focused on mental wellness. The flagship media is the YouTube show Deges & Dragons, which finds indie tabletop RPGs, teaches you how to play them, demonstrates a story, and then wraps up with a discussion of its therapeutic value.
Thus far Dege Time includes, but is not limited to -
The DegeCast: A podcast with interviews by the game developers, mental health workers, and expanding on Deges & Dragons.
Digital Dege Time: Utilizing video games as a form of relaxation and improving mental health.
Audiobooks, original music, homebrew tabletop scenarios, and written works found in the blog section.
In the link above this article discusses the therapeutic value of Tabletop Roleplaying Games. Inside you'll find information about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which is Conrad's MA degree focus. There too you'll read about groups who utilize these games for the purpose of healing and growth - missions we believe in.
Contact Us
If you love fantasy, role-playing games, therapy, or have any questions for us, send us an email below or use any of our social media accounts. If you want to be part of our Degecast with your thoughts call us at the number below!
617 506 9686